20 page MS Word and 14 Word and Excel forms, checklists, questionnaires, and spreadsheets. Download these Training Plan templates to outline the steps required to design, develop and deliver a training program. The templates, checklists and forms will help you prepare the objectives, needs, strategy, and curriculum to be addressed when training users on a new or enhanced IT system.
This Training Plan Template kit includes a 20 page MS Word template, 14 MS Word/Excel forms, as well as checklists, questionnaires, and spreadsheets to help you capture the scope, requirements, evaluation, delivery method, strategy, dependencies, constraints, limitations, schedule, resources, and training materials.
MS Word Template: Table of Contents
The Training Plan template (20 pages MS Word) contains the following sections:
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Scope
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Assumptions
1.5 References
2 Training Requirements
2.1 Audience
2.2 Roles and Responsibilities
2.3 Training Evaluation
2.4 Delivery Method
2.5 Materials
2.6 Duration
2.7 Size
2.8 Facilities
2.9 Instructor Evaluation
2.10 Updates
2.11 Staffing
3. Training Strategy
3.1 Training Sources
3.2 Pilot Training
3.3 Dependencies / Constraints / Limitations
4. Training Schedule
4.1 Training Program Activities
4.2 Foundation / Pre-requisite Activities
5. Training Resources
6. Training Environment
6.1 Software Requirements
6.2 Hardware / Network Requirements
6.3 Trainer Requirements
7. Training Materials
7.1 Updating Training Materials
8. Training Security
8.1 Access to Training Material
8.2 Access to Training Environment
Product Specifications
The template pack includes the following documents:
- 1 x Training Plan Template (Color) 20 pages x MS Word
- 1 x Training Plan Template (Standard) 20 pages x MS Word
- 1 x Training Plan Template (Word 2007) 20 pages x MS Word
- 1 x Training Plan Template (Word 97-2003) 20 pages x MS Word
- 1 x MS Word Training Forms
- 1 x Instructor Evaluation Form
- 1 x Needs Assessment Questionnaire
- 1 x Trainee Assessment Form
- 1 x Trainee Requirements
- 1 x Training Course Evaluation Form
- 1 x Training Curriculum
MS Excel Training Spreadsheets
- Training Curriculum
- Training Program
- Training Assessment
- Training Budget
- Training Request
- Training Record
- Training Action Log